After purchasing your beach house within one of the incredible beach communities along 30A, you will likely want to access the greatest amenity this town as to offer, the beach. Unless you were able to purchase one of the 4,000+ Gulf Front listings on 30A, you’ll need to access the beach through a Regional Beach Access, Neighborhood Beach Access, or Bay/Lake Access. Walton County (South Walton) provides you with more than 50 beach and bay accesses along its 26 miles of shoreline.

The Regional Beach Accesses, 9 in total, provide you with a variety of conveniences, including designated parking, public restrooms, fresh-water showers and bike racks. Plus, several of them are ADA accessible. A Regional Beach Access is also the safest way to access the beach because they provide a flag indicating current surf conditions, and the majority of them offer lifeguards on duty between the months of March and October. So, you and your family can swim freely, while a trained professional watches over you.

Neighborhood Beach Accesses are primarily for walk-up traffic, and not meant to be driven to, as they do not offer designated parking and there will soon be no parking allowed on the edges of Scenic Highway 30A. While these beach accesses often don’t offer restrooms either, they almost all provide visitors with flags which indicate current surf conditions. You can choose from upwards of 47 neighborhood beach accesses, making them a very convenient option for getting to the beach.
The Bay and Lake Accesses offer boat ramps to get your boat into the water, designated parking with spots for trailers if boat ramps are available, restrooms and playgrounds for children. The Bay and Lake Accesses offer you access to Choctawhatchee Bay, as well as a number of the fresh dune lakes located across Scenic Highway 30A.